How to Become an SEO Expert like Neil Patel? (11 Simple Steps to Follow)

by Sumit Sharma · Updated on October 16, 2021

This blog is created to explain to you the step-by-step process using which you can become an SEO expert like Neil Patel.


These steps are also beneficial for you if you are already working in the SEO field & it will definitely help in boosting your career growth in multiple folds.

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Start with the Basics of SEO

To become a specialist, start with the initial level. You need to know how viewers and search engines interact and what you can do for optimizing content efficiently.

Studying the basics tumbles down to three core elements:

  • The kind of content that users expect, want, or need. It’s all about user intention.
  • The internal workings of how search engines work.
  • The tools and techniques needed to optimize sites.

Without this knowledge, you might be able to define the “what,” but not the “why.”

Knowing the why sets you apart as someone who has operated in this industry for the past 15 years.

When you know the why thing it can make you more efficient when you step into a more advanced aspect of SEO.

Understand the True Meaning of SEO

SEO is not only about links and keywords; it’s much more than that.

The actual purpose of SEO is to give users a great experience and give them precisely what they need.

Your aim is not just to get more search engine business, but it’s about transforming that traffic into repeating guests and clients.

There are three major types of SEO:

On-page SEO – page and content optimization

Off-page SEO – Website promotion

Technical SEO – crawling and indexing

Get to Know Key SEO Tools

SEO (and the associated practice of SEM, search engine marketing) is far more than just about keywords.

To efficiently create and optimize the content on all platforms – different search methods, search engines, display types, and even social media platforms.

All of these need a multilayered strategy that requires a lot of work and a lot of strategizing.

Luckily, there are tools.

That helps you conduct research and analysis to develop new insights, format, post your content, create, and observe what’s working and needs correction.

Learn WordPress

WordPress hosts one-third of the websites made around the world.

So if you desire to be an SEO specialist, you need to understand it well.

It’s not just that it’s universal – it’s also the most suitable CMS for SEO.

WordPress is ideal for functionalities that directly (e.g., metadata) and indirectly (e.g., UX) influence SEO performance.

Learn Google Analytics & Google Search Console

SEO pros use a broad category of tools to optimize content and measure its effectiveness.

Google Search Console and Google Analytics are necessary for any SEO command center.

Google Analytics is all about reporting and measurement.

Google Search Console empowers you to optimize your site.

SEO expertise entails command of both.

Stay Informed About SEO Changes

SEO is not an unvarying system.

SEO commands and algorithms improve all the time.

Google solely is making more extra than 250 changes to its ranking algorithms each year.

Big SEO experts require to recognize these changes and improve their SEO campaigns, respectively.

The most reliable way to stay notified is to follow some SEO news websites that give information about ongoing SEO changes when they occur and not after it’s too late to do something regarding it.

Practice SEO – Don’t Stay Theoretical

SEO is not only theoretical, but it’s mainly practical.

Studying the SEO theory should be a list of moves you can apply to your website and enhance your appearance in search engines.

The dilemma is that each website is different, and what goes for one website may not be the most suitable solution for others.

That’s why it is necessary actually to practice SEO and not just stay theoretical.

Examining case studies on how others have accomplished success with SEO campaigns, it’s a vast way to get new plans you can use and the motivation you need to keep striving until you get SEO right.

Understand How Search Engines Work

It might feel like much of your future holds in the hands of the search engines.

And it does.

That’s the reason you need to know crawlers.

Those bots are forming judgments about the character and relevancy of your content.

Many vital circumstances drive those judgments.

Understanding search intent, content quality, links, relevance, and usability will help you better perceive why the algorithms perform the way that they do.

Search engines are like a black box – they don’t disclose the secret sauce behind their outcomes.

But you can use these available parts to optimize your site and give yourself a leg up.

Learn About Technical SEO

Technical SEO is everything that you work on to make your site quickly crawled and indexed.

Technical SEO includes mobile usability, structured data, JavaScript, site speed, and all the tools affecting how a site works.

These circumstances play an important role in how strongly a site ranks in the SERPs.

You can produce excellent content, but a slow site with lots of bugs will damage your performance.

With such abundant content to grapple with, a website with a solid base from technical SEO can make or break your tactics.

Learn About Content Strategy, Creation, Optimization & Promotion

When technical SEO helps search engines quickly crawl and index your website more efficiently, knowing how to create quality content will help you improve the user experience, links, time on site, and much more.

Gone are the days where keyword-first strategy was used to create content.

Since the RankBrain update and Hummingbird came into the uproar, content should be created utilizing a user-first strategy.

But, just because you wrote content doesn’t mean users will discover it.

Content requires to be optimized to add meaning to help search engines recognize how to characterize it.

That content also necessitates being backed by a promotional strategy.

SEO individual isn’t amply – other marketing ways (e.g., social media, email) contribute to the success or failure of your content.

Be Patient

There is no point in talking about SEO and not discussing the word “patience.” SEO takes time to work, and you should not rush for the results quickly.

SEO creates a long-term sustainable business by creating a solid foundation to generate organic traffic 24/7 for ages.

It would be best to note the ranking and traffic before you make any changes and compare it with the exact time period after you have made the changes.

Monitor your rankings and traffic and give it enough time before making further decisions.


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  • Start Training - You will learn SEO from beginner to expert level.
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Sumit Sharma

Head of Content @ Indian Tech School. Sumit has 13+ years of experience in SEO and Digital Marketing. He loves to share his expertise.

Sumit Sharma

Head of Content @ Indian Tech School. Sumit has 13+ years of experience in SEO and Digital Marketing. He loves to share his expertise.

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